The ‘P’ word I very strongly dislike

Aliyyah Maryam Andrias
2 min readApr 25, 2023


Out of the tens of thousands words starting with the letter ‘P’ in the English language, there is one I very strongly dislike. And it’s the word “perfect”.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

“What kind of person hates a random arrangement of letters?” Me. I’m that kind of person. Hi. Okay maybe I’m that petty of a person, maybe I’m just full of hate, maybe I have nothing better to do than to hate seven letters strung together (well technically six because there’s two of the same letter).

Point is I don’t like the word “perfect”.

Language-wise, the word itself has a lot of definitions, including: “in a condition of complete excellence”, “having no mistakes or flaws”, and “complete in all respects; without defect or omission; sound; flawless.” But let’s be real, “perfect” doesn’t exist.

Perfection implies that someone (or something) has no flaws, no errors, and/or no limitations — which is inherently unattainable because we live in a world of imperfection.

The concept of perfection itself is subjective, one person’s standard of perfection may not necessarily be agreed upon by other people. Not only can one’s idea of perfection be challenged by others, it can also be challenged by the individual themself overtime. In other words, the world is an ever-evolving place — if even nature is capable of change, what makes one think that their idea of perfection (or any idea of perfection, for that matter) is eternal?

Breaking news, everyone. No matter how much you strive for perfection, you will never be able to eliminate your imperfections. (That’s an awful lot of yous, but I’d say it applies to me, too).

Our flaws, our limitations — those are what make us human. View them as opportunities to grow and learn, instead of shaming them and pretending they don’t exist. As insane and nonsensical as this sounds, if everything was perfect, then nothing would be anything.

That’s why I hate the word “perfect”. It’s a lot of pressure for something that arguably doesn’t exist.

In all honesty, the concept of perfection is probably just in our heads. And it drives each and every one of us insane. So do us all a favour and just erase the word “perfect” from your personal dictionaries.



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