The art of self-sabotage

Aliyyah Maryam Andrias
2 min readAug 3, 2023


In the pursuit of personal growth and success, I often find myself at crossroads that seem… inexplicable, to say the least. It’s as if a hidden force within me is working against my very own best interest. Somewhere within the labyrinth of my mind, voices uttering destructive chants along the lines of “I’m not good enough”, “why do I always mess things up?”, “I’m probably gonna fail”, or even simple recitations of procrastination such as “I’ll start this later”.

Throughout my life, the haunting whispers of self-doubt have echoed like a persistent murmur. Words casting shadows of uncertainty over my dreams and aspirations, holding me back, afraid to take leaps of faith — to reach for the stars and fall short.

Time and again, opportunities knocked at my door, seemingly begging me to step out of my comfort zone. But that paralysing fear of failure always wins, gripping my heart and freezing me into indecision. The allure of the familiar — the safe haven I’ve built around myself, for it has always seemed safer to remain in the realm of the known than to venture into uncharted territory.

Procrastination, my trusty companion. A deceptive ally that lured me into believing that I worked best under pressure. “I still have a lot of time left”, “I work better under pressure”, affirmations convincing myself that delaying tasks was harmless. What I failed to realise was that it was merely a disguise for my fear of facing the unknown, the fear of what lies beyond the boundaries of my comfort.

In moments of soul-searching introspection, I began to untangle the intricate web within my being. It became apparent that my self-sabotage was fueled by a tapestry of fears — fear of failure, fear of success, fear of not being enough. The echoes of judgments and setbacks that lingered like ghosts from my past.

I came to realise that self-sabotage was a misguided attempt to shield myself from disappointment and from pain. By not taking risks, by not trying, maybe, just maybe, I could avoid failure altogether. And in my desperate quest for self-preservation, I inadvertently deprived myself of the opportunity to flourish, to grow into the person I was meant to become.

As I journey within, I understand that self-sabotage is not an enemy to be defeated but a part of myself in need of compassion and understanding. Unraveling the tangle of fears requires embracing vulnerability, acknowledging past wounds, and choosing to let go of the need for perfection. I now understand that self-sabotage doesn’t serve me; it holds me back from a life of fulfillment and growth.

I am slowly challenging the whispers of self-doubt and replacing them with affirmations of worthiness; and with each step, I am breaking free from the self-imposed constraints and embracing the journey of self-discovery and self-love. By doing so, I find that the limitless ocean of potential lies before me, awaiting my exploration.



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